Face to Face Therapy

The therapy relationship is unique in that for you it may be one of the first times that you have formed an intimate connection with another person. One where your feelings, thoughts or ideas are heard, understood and valued without the need to censor yourself in any way. It is in this sense a mutual meeting and exchanging of experiences. The therapeutic relationship becomes a joint learning and creative experience for both you and your therapist. This is what creates the power in talking therapies and what makes the most difference to its effectiveness.

Our Approach

In face to face therapy you have a trained observer to a wide variety of non-verbal communication. Here your therapist draws on all of your senses, paying full attention to all your many exchanges. This allows for the potential of the subtle language you communicate in sessions to be expressed. As we look at one another for example. As we smile, frown or gesture as we take turns talking. The interaction with space and objects or the temperature in the room. Even your experience of the smells and outside noises. All these may contain hidden meaning that sheds light on your needs and how you relate to them. Each is a signal, expressing an important aspect of the problem you are looking for help with.

In sessions these subtle cues form a pattern of communication. This pattern helps to reveal previously hidden emotions and the attitudes and viewpoints that created them. As a growing self awareness develops this leads to a new perspective on your problems. One that deepens your view of them, of yourself as an individual and of your relationships to others.


There is no pointless navel-gazing involved in working with Nick – his approach is unfailingly kind but also challenging, and there is never a wasted moment. If he picks you up on a detail you previously thought was insignificant or asks a question that seems obscure (and he will), trust him and go with it. All will become clear!


I have been seeing Nick for over a year, and in this short time period he has managed to change my life completely, and I will forever be grateful for that.

Always calm and confident, Nick walked me through each challenge and difficulty, throughout a mutual discussion and endless patience. In addition to being a knowledgeable and insightful professional, Nick’s kindness and sincere empathy makes him a wonderful therapist. I feel privileged to have met Nick, and I can’t imagine going through this process with anyone else. Thank you Nick


Finding someone you connect with and who quickly understands your issues can be a daunting task, but Nick helped me realise that I didn’t need feel overwhelmed by all the plates I was spinning and we have since been working together to help rebuild my confidence and fully engage with and appreciate life again.

If you are looking for psychological freedom from your troubles and to live a happier, joyful life, then I would highly recommend HTP, and suggest you get in touch Nick when you finish reading this. I think he’ll give you a free first consultation, so what’s there to lose.


I started sessions with Nick to overcome a number of emotional issues that left me completely overwhelmed, anxious and depressed. I found the sessions instantly helpful, simply knowing that Nick was listening to me, understanding my difficulties and offering care and attention. Through the sessions, I was able to view my problems and my life in a completely different light. This has helped in ways I never  thought possible


The initial discomfort of feeling the need to seek help soon ebbed away as Nick’s open , non-formulaic and inspiring approach first challenged me to reconsider my view of myself but also , the world around me. I found our sessions frequently to be both a source of thought provoking insight and a focal point to a more reasoned and energised future. I now truly appreciate the time I spent with Nick and consider him to be the significant inspiration to my ongoing well being. Thank you , Nick!


Contact Us

To find out more about how we may be able to help you, contact us either by phone or email. Nick will be very happy to meet for a free initial conversation about us and about you.

Schedule a Free Consultation